Tecnologie e materiali per applicazioni aerospaziali
Selection of published papers
- B. V. Novozhilov, C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, “Solid Propellant Extinction by Laser Pulse”, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotecnics, Official Journal of the International Pyrotecnics Society, Vol. 25, pp.317-324, December 2000
- Zanotti C., Giuliani P., Volpi A., “Vacuum System for Space Propulsion Study”, Vuoto scienza e tecnologia, Vol. XXIX- N.1/2 Gennaio-Giugno 2000
- Zanotti C., Kohno M., D’Andrea B., Volpi A., Giuliani P,, Ferrari T.” Sub-scale Tests for Scientific Investigations, System Application and Cost Reduction” Second European Conference on “ Space Solid Propulsion”, 21-24 November, 2000, Rome, Italy, CD-ROM Rome 2000
- K. Hori, M. Kohno, A. Volpi, C. Zanotti, K. Kato, S. Miyazaki, “Burning Rate & PDL Characteristics of a GAP/AP Propellant System” Combustion of Energetic Materials Book, Editor K.K. Kuo and L. T. DeLuca, Begell House Inc. 2002
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, M. Kohno, “Thermal Protection Wall-Effect on the Combustion of Solid Propellant at Subatmospheric Pressure”, Combustion of Energetic Materials Book, Editor K.K. Kuo and L. T. DeLuca, Begell House Inc. 2002
- B. V. Novozhilov, C. Zanotti , “Solid Propellant Combustion close to the Pressure Deflagration Limit”, 3rd ISAS-TEMPE joint workshop on Space Propulsion and Related Materials, Bonassola , (SP), 3-5 June, 2001. Proceedings on CD-ROM 2002
- C. Zanotti “ON-OFF Solid Propellant Motor for Space Applications”, 3rd ISAS-TEMPE joint workshop on Space Propulsion and Related Materials, Bonassola, (SP), 3-5 June, 2001. Proceedings on CD-ROM 2002
- Modeling of ignition phenomena in Combustion Synthesis., N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, P. Giuliani, A. Tacca and C. Zanotti, “Ninth SIAM International Conference on Numerical Combustion” Sorrento, 7-10 April 2002. Proceedings book, pp.233-234, 2002
- Ignition phenomena in SHS. A new experimental methodology, M. Monagheddu, N. Bertolino, P. Giuliani, C. Zanotti, U. Anselmi Tamburini, J. Appl. Phys., 92 (1), 594-599 2002
- Boride-Based FGM Prepared by Combustion Synthesis, M. Monagheddu, N. Bertolino, P. Giuliani and C. Zanotti, U. Anselmi Tamburini, A. Tacca. “2002 International Conference on Functionally Graded Materials” Denver, Colorado, 6-7 May 2002. Proceedings book pp. 137-143, 2002
- Ignition Phenomena in Combustion Synthesys. A semi-empirical approach, N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani and C. Zanotti, U. Anselmi Tamburini. “2002 World congress on powder Metallurgy” Orlando, 16-21 June 2002. Proceedings book pp. 1-157/1-167, 2002
- SHS Synthesis of FGM for thermal barrier applications., M. Monagheddu, N. Bertolino, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani and C. Zanotti, U. Anselmi Tamburini,“ 2002 World congress on powder Metallurgy” Orlando, Folrida 16-21 June 2002. Proceedings book pp. 1-168/1-174, 2002
- A. Paolozzi, M.A. Caponero, F. Felli, C. Zanotti, “Fibre Optic Smart Structures at High Temperatures”, Workshop Multifuntion Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring in Aerospace Structures (MUSEAS 1), Workshop 2001, Capua, Italy, Proceedings ON CD-ROM 2002
- N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani, C. Zanotti, U. Anselmi Tamburini, Ignition mechanism in combustion synthesis of Ti-Al abd Ti-Ni systems, Intermetallics,Vol. 11,pp.41-49, 2003
- N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani, C. Zanotti, F. Maglia, U. Anselmi Tamburini, “Combustion Synthesis of FGMs as Thermal Protection Systems for High Temperature Applications”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 448-455, February 2003
- N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani, C. Zanotti “Functionally Graded Materials as Thermal Protection Systems”, 4th European Workshop “Hot Structures and Thermal Protection Systems for Space Vehicles”, Proceedings book pp. 155-160, ESA SP-521, April 2003
- M.L. Muolo, E. Ferrera, L. Morbelli, C. Zanotti and A. Passerone “ Joining of Zirconium Boride Based refractory Ceramics to Ti6Al4V”, 9th International Symposium on ‘Materials in a Space Environment’ Proceedings book pp. 467-472, ESA SP-540, September 2003
- P. Giuliani and C. Zanotti “Advanced materials production and characterization”, 4th JAXA_IENI Joint Workshop on Solid Propulsion and Related Materials, Proceedings book -ISBN 88-8080-048-5, Milano, 2004
- Tacca, Filippo Maglia, Umberto Anselmi-Tamburini, P. Giuliani and C. Zanotti “Functionally Graded Materials As Thermal Protection Systems ”, 4th JAXA_IENI Joint Workshop on Solid Propulsion and Related Materials, Proceedings book -ISBN 88-8080-048-5, Milano, 2004
- C. Zanotti, A. Tacca, P. Giuliani “Ignition of powder mixtures: numerical approach”, 4th JAXA_IENI Joint Workshop on Solid Propulsion and Related Materials, Bonassola, Proceedings book -ISBN 88-8080-048-5, Milano, 2004
- C. Zanotti and P. Giuliani “CO2 Laser Applications In The Combustion of Energetic Materials”, 4th JAXA_IENI Joint Workshop on Solid Propulsion and Related Materials, Proceedings book -ISBN 88-8080-048-5, Milano, 2004
- C. Zanotti. P. Giuliani, P. Russo, A. Zonca, A. Terrosu, P. Corciulo, L. Soffientini “Combustion Synthesis under Reduced Gravity: Parabolic Flight Technique”, 4th JAXA_IENI Joint Workshop on Solid Propulsion and Related Materials, Proceedings book -ISBN 88-8080-048-5, Milano, 2004
- C. Zanotti, A. Tacca, N. Bertolino, M. Monagheddu, P. Giuliani, “Thermal Explosion of Powder Mixtures: Numerical Approach”, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotecnics, Official Journal of the International Pyrotecnics Society, Vol 29, 2, pp. 112-117, 2004
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani and F. Maglia “Combustion synthesis of Co-Al and Ni-Al systems under reduced gravity”, Intermetallics, 14, 213-219, 2006
- C. Zanotti, G. Riva, A. Reggiori, G. Daminelli, P. Giuliani, “Shock Compression of powders by Two-Stage Gasdynamic Gun”; published on Advanced in Science and Technology, Vol. 45-53, pp. 917-922, Ed. Vincenzini, Techna, ISBN3-908158-10-09 2006
- C. Milanese, F. Maglia, A. Tacca, U. Anselmi-Tamburini,C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, “Ignition and reaction mechanism of Co-Al and Nb-Al intermetallic compounds prepared by Combustion Synthesis”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 421, 1-2, 156-162, 2006
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, A. Terrosu, S. Gennari, F. Maglia, “Porous Ni-Ti Ignition and Combustion Synthesis”, Intermetallics, 15, 404-412, 2007
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, P. Bassani, F. Passaretti, A. Tuissi “Characterization of porous NiTi alloys produced by SHS”, Proceedings of SMST 2006 International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies. Editors B. Berg, M.R. Mitchell, J. Proft, 373-380, 2008
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, G. Riva, A. Tuissi, A. Chrysanthou, “Thermal diffusivity of Ni-Ti SMAs”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 473, 231-237
- P. Bassani, P. Giuliani, A. Tuissi and C. Zanotti, “Thermomechanical properties of porous NiTi alloy produced by SHS, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2009 ,18:594-599
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani, A.Tuissi , S. Arnaboldi , R. Casati, “Rensponse of NiTi SMA wire electrically heated”, ESOMAT (European Symposia on Martensitic Transformation), ISBN: 978-2-7598-0480-1 Prague, September 2009
- C. Zanotti, P. Giuliani P. Bassani, Z. Zhang and A. Chrysanthou, “Comparison between the thermal properties of fully dense and porous Ni-Ti SMAs”, Intermetallics, 2010, 18, 14-21
- NAMAMET (2004-2008), Processing of NAnostructured MAterials through MEtastable Transformations - STRP 001470SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY 3
- CNR-RAS (2005-2007) “Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) of dense nanomaterials”
- COSMIC (2009-2010), COmbustion Synthesis under Microgravity Conditions. ASI
- Dr. Claudio Zanotti, tel. +39 02 66173 310
- Piero Giuliani, tel. +39 02 66173 308
- Dr. Ugo Tabacco, tel. +39 02 66173 402