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Home events Seminario: Dynamical hysteresis in plastic deformation
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Seminario: Dynamical hysteresis in plastic deformation

What Seminar
When Mar 20, 2013
from 11:00 to 13:30
Where Q4 P1 16
Contact Name dr. Stefano Zapperi
Contact Email
Contact Phone +39 02 66173 385
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Prof. Mikko Alava
Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University, Finland

Dislocation dynamics under external stresses has recently been understood to be intimately connected to non-equilibrium phase transitions. In idealized systems and models the crucial concept is the yield stress, which here defines a critical point. In our recent work (Laurson, Alava, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 155504 (2012)) we have studied what happens in the deformation of crystalline materials under time-dependent stresses. It turns out be so that this is directly connected to generic features of dynamical hysteresis in various systems, and the behavior of a model two-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics model also tells a lot about the yielding in general and the transition in particular.

20 marzo 2013, alle ore 11:00 nella sala riunioni IENI


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